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CBSE->Std 10 Questions

Total Questions 2595
how long does a human baby take to develop before birth?
what is the scientific name of womb to birth canal?
Define puberty?
What changes are seen to boys at puberty?
What joins embryo to placenta in the mother's body?
Name disease caused by HIV?expand HIV?
people who die from AIDS are not killed by the virus itself.explain?
Explain post fertilization changes that occur in a flower?
why the Simon commission was boycotted in India?
explain consumer forum or consumer protection council
which necessary conditions are required for successful functioning of democracy?
describe the political ends lists hopes to achieve through economic measures in Germany.
give two benefits will India get by being a member of WTO
characteristics of dictatorship
how did countries other than European countries accept the idea of nationalism?
Muslim political organisation in India were lukewarm in their response to the civil disobedience movement. give reasons.
features of Act 1919
why do developed countries want developing countries to liberalise their trade and investment?why do you think should the developing countries demand in return?
distinguish between mineral and iron ore
how illiteracy is a challenge to democracy?give suggestions to remove illiteracy